Add to the Wall of Words


Thanks to Kelly who posted about this site over on UK Scrappers. And if you have just one minute to spare, please take time yourself to add to the word wall target.

"I CAN is the only UK-wide charity dedicated to supporting all children's communication. Our special focus is children who find speaking and understanding hard, sometimes impossible. We help children directly through our network of specialist nurseries, schools and centres; we inform parents and support families; we train teachers in nurseries and schools across the UK. I CAN provides effective, practical solutions that change children's lives. In the past 12 months we have helped over 15,000 children; trained over 1,600 education professionals; and provided over 210,000 parents and professionals with vital information about children's communication through our online information resource"

Mia has always had some developmental delay since birth but the one that we are having to work hardest with is her speech. I had no help from the local co-ordinator whilst she was at playschool, the health visitor didn't even try to speak to her when I went there. It was only after she started school that they managed to organise for Mia to be properly assessed and have help from a qualified speech therapist. She has come on leaps and bounds in the last 18 months. Unfortunately she no longer has a speech therapist because the LEA doesn't have the resources to give individual children more than two blocks of sessions each. The teachers and teaching assistants have been given guidance from the therapist so that they can continue to help her with different techniques that make language more meaningful for her. With familiar situations she is much better but with new words and ideas, such as in school, she still finds processing information so hard. Mia is at the mild end of the scale but I know how worrying I have found it all.

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